Sunday, October 31, 2010

Justice & Truth

Isn't it funny, you see a man in a mask and it could be anyone. Perhaps a masked man is hard to trust. Or Perhaps he has people he needs to protect, perhaps revealing his identification would change everything?

So I'm sure most of you aware I debuted my first youtube video. It wasn't half of what I have planned to be honest with you, just a slight tease. Earlier today I recieved an email from Maura, which i would of course like to share with you.

get over yourself

I didnt even watch your entire video of trite shit but did manage to get to the part of you making fun of my physical appearance Nice. Thats very noble and classy of you.

I told you before that i know who you are and that hasnt changed. Keep making videos about me threatening me You have absolutely nothing on me. things that you can make up?? Sure.

You know whats really sad? How Michael is affected by your effortless need for attention. Do you think if you make a video making fun of what i look lke (im pretty damn hot by the way :D) or exposng made up lies, ts going to stop me from my purpose to Michael?? NOTHING THAT YOU DO WILL STOP ME.


NOW, I have a very VERY important job to do, so i wont be giving your attention seeking loser ass anymore of mine.

Just know that Michael is fully aware of this bullshit and TRUST ME everybody will face the fucking music very VERY soon..
grow up and get a life not only am i not scared of you. but i dont bother anybody. I dont care about any of you losers. stop usng my name to get popularity. You are such a joke. KNOW who you are lol grow up. and dont respond back becuase i'll just deleted it without reading.

I never sad you had naked pictures of me. trust me i know you dont.

that little puke seen was really cute but rididculous to the people that know what i look like full body ON cam. I know im hot as fuck. Get a life


What a way with words she certainly has hey. There was a few other messages she sent me, but they all pretty much were a repeat of this one. Seems a bit on edge dont you think? Even creating lies herself in there, when have i ever claimed to have known anyone? Perhaps i do and perhaps I dont. That matter isn't important. I'm here for truth and justice. So this little email she has sent me has made me start working on episode 2, before we look at the hoax side of the lies, I think its important that we see what lies shes capable of outside of this hoax proving that she will lie about anything. Don't worry for those of you that are unconvinced. I have plenty of proof to show you all. I'm not talking about wild theories, accusations, guesses. I'm talking about BAM right smack in your face proof. This madam shouldn't be claiming she is all about Michael Jackson and stuyding his message, how can she be? Look at how she has treated other people, look how she has treated you.

I dont know if you people buy Mauras lies or not. But I think that email clearly shows she uses fear to get what she wants. Wern't all the residents of the Neverlandhome tinychat room suppose to be dealt with by the "FBI"? Where did I ever state I wanted Maura to stop making videos? I'm pretty sure I never mentioned that, I just said to stop the lies, unless your saying your incapable of making videos without lying?

Very interesting, anyway look out for episode 2 on V:TV on youtube this week. Trust me, you ain't seen nothing yet.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Who? Who is but the form following the function of what, and what I am is a man in a mask.
 I know you can see that. I'm not insulting your intelligance or questioning your powers of observation. I'm merely remarking on the paradox of asking a masked man who he is. But perhaps in this instance, I could suggest the character or this dramtis persona? Volia! A humble veteran. Cast as both victim and villain by fate, and has vowed to Vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violenty vicious and voracios violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; held as a votive, not in vain, for the vale and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and virtuous.

But just call me V.

So since the birth of me on 10/10/10 i've sat back and watched people react to my statement. I would be lying if i said it hasn't amused me in some ways. Innocent bystanders being blammed for my identification, threats made to certain parties, even the FBI has recently been contacted, well supposedly.

You may keep guessing my identification. I'm actually having a jolly old time watching you rip eachother to shreads about it on Twitter. So you calling the FBI on Neverlandhome should make me tremble in my boots? why exactly? I do apologize to the people in Neverlandhome that get in trouble for anything i've done,but at the same time I do not feel sorry for you. You shouldn't allow certain individuals to have power, doing so allows them to let them brainwash you.

My dear Maura, your threats may work on other people but not me. I know you very very well. Your threats of calling the internet police on me do not phase me at all. Infact I think you would need to look at your own behavior before you claim cyber bullying.You may be able to brainwash and threat others,but sorry to inform you- your feet wont touch in a court of law.
You'd also need to know who I am first of course. You will need more than the twitter police to stop me, you will need that fraud Obama to get the troops out to stop me from bringing you to justice, aswell as others of course.

Some of you ask me when my youtube video will be here? I can tell you soon. But thats all for now. I will know when the time is right. I'm still keeping my word and allowing her to have the chance to either admit some of the porkys she has told or apologize to the people she has hurt. I hope you do Maura.

and there are a lot of questions as to why I'm doing this. I'd just like to point out Maura isn't the only person im focusing on. There's others that sadly lie too. People commiting identity theft and lying, whether that be claiming to know someone or claiming to be someone, even someone pretending to be in a realtionship with another just so there is someone backup to what she says.. I will deal with them another time.Maura is just the first to be addressed because she has been lying for such a long time, even about relationships with others now. 

Then theres corporations out there that need to be held accountable, SONY are perhaps the biggest rascals of them all. You would not believe the amount you are not aware of, do not be spoon fed by a big name.

Till next time my friends.


Monday, October 11, 2010

The Message of V

Welcome All,

Allow me first to apologize for this mysterious behavior. I do like many of you appreciate the comforts of the everyday routine, the security of the familar, I enjoy them as much as any bloke. Of course theres people out there that dont want me to speak. Out there even now there are people reading this,planning a way to get out of this. Sadly for you, I've been planning this for a long time now, and I believe to be pretty bullet proof. I'm just here to support the truth.

And the truth is theres something bloody wrong with whats going on, isn't there? Power, cruelty and injustice. Once you had the freedom to disagree, to think and speak. Someone now has created a system to benefit their own greed using the name of Michael Jackson

Yesterday I made my debut to this internet cycle. What a day to be born 10.10.10, done on purpose? Well I'll let you decide that one.

Yesterday I made a statement, some of you wasn't sure what to make of it. Was it serious? A joke? was the whole thing a plant or some sort of Hoax. I want to confirm now everything I said last night was serious. I will be addressing it on Youtube soon within the next 10 days, when the time is right.

I have been watching for a while now, watched the lies Maura has told. Like I said, I'm not a bad bloke and I will give her the chance to confess the lies she has made and apologize to the apprioate people. I will go into details in my first video. Maura has got her supporters obviously, but you'd be surprized to know how some individuals are sadly aiding her in these lies. How did this happen? who is to blame? Of course there are those who are to blame more than others, who will be held accountable. But then again truth be told if you are looking for the guilty you may aswell just look in the mirror. I know why you did it.. i know certain people can make threats and promise you things. But sadly the things promised by this individual and things she claims to have seen are all lies. She promised you hope, she promised you truth, she promised you fact, and all she demanded in return was your attention, which turned into Mary and her little lambs.

There has been some guesses to who I could possibly be. Pierce? Leahcim? Bella? Roger? well even Maura herself. I wasn't even aware of some of these people, and they are some people i intend to look at aswell.  But i'm sorry to blow your bubble, you do not know who I am. For if my true identifaction was to get out it would change everything... and I literally mean... everything.

I'd just like to point out Maura isn't the only reason I'm here. I also have dirt on A.E.G, Sony, TMZ and people involved in This is it. These scoundrels that were trying to get to Michael, they too will also be dealt with accordingly. But I will get to that another time.

Right Now I'm intending to stop these attacks going on for you many Michael Jackson fans. My video will be here soon, giving Maura the chance to own up for the lies she has told and apologize.. if not? I will have no option but to take the matter into my own hands and show her for what she really is- An attention seeking little Madam.  There comes a time where you must be held accountable for your actions, even the queen herself. In this case, God save the Queen.

See you soon, and very soon


 Look out for my first youtube video.